Enhance your physical energy and endurance, end fatigue!

A common thing to do when you feel tired is to reach for a cup of coffee, soda, or some kind of energy or candy bar. I see it all the time, I've done this myself.

What you may not know is that these everyday foods can act like poison in your system especially if you already have a worn down adrenal system.

Caffeine (found in coffee, black tea, and many sodas) contains chemicals called methylxanthins. These chemicals stimulate your central nervous system and give you a quick, but temporary, feeling of energy. However, they also weaken overused adrenal glands, so over time it gets harder and harder to create natural energy.

Candy bars, including many of today’s so-called energy bars, contain one of today’s worst toxins for women — sugar. Sugar depletes your body of B vitamins, disrupts metabolism, and forces your adrenal glands to work harder and harder.

Plus, too much sugar makes fatigue worse by narrowing the diameter of your blood vessels and putting extra stress on your nervous system. Excessive sugar sabotages any weight loss plan.

We also know that women over age 40 experience more trouble with energy and mood than anyone else. For some of us this means feeling tired and unmotivated some of the time. For others, it’s a more constant type of fatigue that affects nearly every part of your life.

Imagine what it would feel like to wake up tomorrow waking feeling so happy, optimistic, and full of life. That's what life is like when you possess one very important physical trait — natural energy. It’s a strong, steady energy that you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. People with this type of energy tend to be far happier, healthier, and even appear more attractive to others.

To feel great again try our New Natural Product Called X51. Read more here.

Top 10 Benefits of Interval Training Exercise

Top 10 Benefits of Incorporating interval training 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week.

I can't stress enough how much IT WORKS! It can be used for any activity such as walking, jogging, riding a stationary bike,using a treadmill, etc.

In 30 minutes 3 times a week try this workout walk briskly or jog 4 minutes, then push yourself to your max 30 seconds repeat this 6 times and watch your fitness levels change.

The true key to achieving results is to push yourself so your breathing rate increases and you feel out of breath. This “out of breath” feeling sends a signal to your body that it doesn't have enough oxygen.

The body responds by increasing oxygen delivery and leads to a faster metabolism. Not only will you have kick-started your weight loss, but, by creating a more efficient and effective workout, you will have created more energy, increased your cardio capacity and sped up your metabolism.

Before starting your exercise routine always check with your doctor first.

Here are the Top Ten Benefits of Interval Training Exercise.

1. You feel amazing for the rest of the day. With interval training, endorphin production is increased. These naturally occurring endorphins are produced in your brain in response to strenuous exercise. Interval training - due to its short bursts of intense activity - really get the endorphins flowing, and you feel fantastic.

2. Your resting pulse lowers.Resting pulse is a good measure of stroke volume - the amount of blood your heart pumps on each beat. The more blood pumped per beat the LESS your heart needs to beat each minute.

Cardiovascular exercise - over time - increases your stroke volume. Interval training is maximum cardiovascular exercise - and leads very quickly to increased stroke volume. Your heart rapidly increases its efficiency with consistent interval training. Your total lifetime fitness levels increase accordingly.

3. You save wear and tear on your heart.
Because interval training increases your heart's stroke volume, your heart beats less during the course of the day to provide the amount of blood you need flowing to your tissues. Less heart beats means less wear and tear. The hypothetical extrapolation is that your heart will last longer because you're doing intense vigorous exercise.

4. You get faster - which is why you're doing interval training in the first place. Faster usually means funner - and you find yourself motoring along during your regular cardio training. Your regular cardio training becomes easier, and you're having more fun while doing it.

5. Climbing hills is easier - this has many benefits. After I began interval training, I noticed I could run faster, increased ability to work out longer.

6. You're stronger and faster in every other form of cardiovascular activity. Having better endurance not only benefits hill climbing. Because your heart is more efficient, swimming, cycling, cross-country skiing, and hiking all just got much easier. You can go faster, longer, and with better energy than ever before.

7. Decreased risk of high blood pressure. Cardiovascular exercise has abundant medical benefits, including decreased susceptibility to heart disease. Interval training, being the most intense form of cardio, offers even greater benefits over time.

8. Lowered cholesterol levels. Again, cardiovascular exercise has consistently been shown to reduce blood cholesterol. Lower cholesterol has many medical benefits, including lowered risk of heart disease, arthritis, and other inflammatory disorders.

9. Stronger immune system.
Your immune system responds positively to regular strenuous exercise. Interval training - due to its intense qualities - yields a heightened immune response. People who exercise regularly build-up a "shield" against colds and flu.

10. You get younger. The benefits of exercise are profound and impact both physical and personal aspects of your life. You sleep better. You wake up more refreshed. Your skin glows. Your digestion improves. Overall, you're healthy and well. Your attitude throughout the day becomes consistently positive. You have more ideas. You're more creative. You're more fun to be around.

What Burns More Fat? Running or Weights?

What burns more fat? Running on the treadmill or 1/2 hr of weights. Running will burn more calories at the moment (perhaps 300 calories for 1/2 hour) but a 1/2 hour session will suck up more calories thoughout the day because the body needs to recover from muscle break down. In addition, the more muscle you have the more your body will metabolize fat and increase your caloric effectiveness. So PUMP UP!

So don't sacrifice good form to use less intensity or more weight. So many people are concerned about how much they can bench press or how much they can curl or how long they can go doing cardio. Who cares? Don't bounce weight, swing the weight or throw the weight, control the weight.