Be pro-active in your health, Be unstoppable! But not obsessed with fitness. Obsession is harmful in all facets of life. We exercise for a better life, we don't live to exercise.
Your FIRST step in changing your habits is to change your attitude!
Change how you look at food--Learn to control your food intake and have more energy!
YOU need consistency! YOU need a cause! FIND a cause that will keep you motivated to change.
Here's 5 Reasons To Maintain a Healthy Diet:
1• The way your body feels after a healthy meal will become more important to you than the instant pleasure of having something loaded with fat or sugar.
2• Take it from someone who used to love diet coke and junk food, you can live without chips and Cokes and you'll gladly give those things up once you experience how great your body feels after healthier meals.
3• By not indulging every time you want a treat, you'll enjoy it even more.
4• Food becomes FUEL rather than something that controls your life. If you exercise, you'll learn very quickly how food affects your workouts. Eating a heavy, fatty meal makes you tired and your workouts suffer. Want better workouts? Simply you MUST eat better.
5• Being a good role model for your kids or co-workers is one way to teach them how to live healthy.
These changes come over time, sometimes weeks, months or years of slowly working on your habits and choices.