5 Reasons To Maintain A Healthy DIET

Be pro-active in your health, Be unstoppable!  But not obsessed with fitness. Obsession is harmful in all facets of life. We exercise for a better life, we don't live to exercise.

Your FIRST step in changing your habits is to change your attitude!

Change how you look at food--Learn to control your food intake and have more energy! 

YOU need consistency!  YOU need a cause!  FIND a cause that will keep you motivated to change.

Here's 5 Reasons To Maintain a Healthy Diet:

1•  The way your body feels after a healthy meal will become more important to you than the instant pleasure of having something loaded with fat or sugar.

2•  Take it from someone who used to love diet coke and junk food, you can live without chips and Cokes and you'll gladly give those things up once you experience how great your body feels after healthier meals.

3•  By not indulging every time you want a treat, you'll enjoy it even more.

4•   Food becomes FUEL rather than something that controls your life.  If you exercise, you'll learn very quickly how food affects your workouts.  Eating a heavy, fatty meal makes you tired and your workouts suffer.  Want better workouts? Simply you MUST eat better.

5•  Being a good role model for your kids or co-workers is one way to teach them how to live healthy.

These changes come over time, sometimes weeks, months or years of slowly working on your habits and choices.  

8 Fitness Myths Busted!

Here are a few myths about fitness:

Is Spot reducing possible? "It's simply not possible to 'burn off' fat in one specific body part by exercising that area," Many studies have tried to dispute this claim, but none of any scientific value has proven that spot reducing is possible. At best you might lose some water weight in the area to give the impression that you indeed did "spot reduce". Rehydrate and you will see those stubborn inches "magically" reappear. Only regular exercise -- aerobic and strength training (weight lifting) -- and a sensible diet can melt body fat.

If you exercise, you can eat whatever you want. If you really want to lose weight and get into shape, do not use exercise as an excuse to eat more. Continue to eat a healthy diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables. When you train you build more muscle and the more calories you will burn at rest.

Exercise requires a huge time commitment. As little as 30 minutes a day works when you're in health-and-fitness maintenance mode, and 60 minutes a day will help you lose weight. "I spend 40 minutes a day 5 days a week". If you are not looking to be the next Mr.Olympia, 40 minute workouts is enough. If you are performing the exercises correctly, with great intensity, and combining the workouts with proper rest and proper nutrition.

There's a secret diet or a secret workout out there to get you in shape quickly. There is no quick fix. There are ways to train that can help maximize your time in the gym and the benefits you will drive from your workouts, but there is no quick fix. Most important is to "believe in yourself, believe in the process, stay the course, and you will look the best you ever looked before!"

Exercising at high intensity burns more fat. "This is a particularly confusing topic for some people," "Many people have thought that higher intensity means burning more fat. Well, you can burn more fat this way, you will burn more calories this way, but you also run the risk of burning more muscle this way too. If you burn hard earned muscle, the ultimate result will be a slower metabolic rate and in the long run you will be less lean than if you worked out at a lower intensity for more time.

Women who lift weights will get bulky muscles. Women don't have enough of the "male" hormone testosterone to develop large, bulky muscles. Strength training will not cause women to build muscles, although steroids might. I hear the same things from men who state that "they don't want to get too big". You can not get too big by accident. Putting on muscle takes dedication, hard work, and a plan.

Muscle weighs more than fat. "A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. " The difference is that muscle is much more dense than body fat. Therefore, a pound of muscle will take up much less room in your body than a pound of fat."

No pain, no gain. It is important to know what is good pain and what is bad pain. Often beginners have not learned the difference here. It's OK to push yourself to fatigue, tax your heart, lungs, muscles, feel the burn, -- but be reasonable.

Don't push yourself so hard that you have to miss sessions, and even worse,
possibly risk an injury.

10 Major Reasons Why People Do Not Lose Weight

1.  Eating too much. If you finish what’s on your plate and then the plates of others, or if you always have seconds, you’re in trouble. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to receive the signal that your stomach is full, so stop eating before you’re full and wait at least 10 minutes before having seconds.

2.  Portion distortion. Maintaining a healthy weight means eating the right foods in the right amounts. You’ll save yourself a lot of calories and a few pounds.

3.  Drinking your calories. Beer, soda, and energy drinks have no nutritional value and can cause dehydration.

4.  Snacking on unhealthy foods. Food is fuel for your body. Treat your body like the amazing machine that it is.

5.  Eating late at night. Late night Hagen-Dazs binges are not going to help that expanding mid-section. If you must have a late night snack, consider healthy alternatives like almonds and fruit.

6.  Not eating breakfast. A quick and easy breakfast that is a combination of carbohydrates and protein is all you need. Oats, Whole Grains Steel Cut Oats, Egg whites (with 1 egg yoke) Cottage cheese, fruit, and a slice of whole wheat toast will keep your engine running until your mid-morning snack.

7.  Eating whatever you want.  As an adult, your body’s metabolism has changed significantly from that of the teenager you once were, so you must adjust your caloric intake accordingly. To compute your caloric needs, click here.

8.  Eating processed foods. Too many hotdogs, lunch meats, canned ravioli, and frozen dinners and neither should you. Instead, eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

9.  Not drinking enough water. Factors such a physical activity and climate increase your water needs.

10.  Not eating enough. Skipping meals or not eating enough at meals, leads to overeating later. Eating five to six small meals a day, spaced two to three hours apart is really the healthiest way to eat.