3 Fitness tips to include in your workouts every week.

Make sure you are weight lifting 3 times a week.

  • Cardio 3-5 times a week at least 20 - 40 minutes (fast walking, jogging, cycling, eliptical, change up your workouts if you usually bike, take a brisk walk next workout.)

Stretching 3-5 times a week or as often as you can, you may want to try a gentle yoga class!

No Energy to workout? Ask Yourself These 4 Questions.

Have you ever said to yourself or someone else
"I don't have enough energy to workout"

If you have then it's time to take a good look at your sleeping, dietary and workout habits.

Ask yourself these 4 questions:
  1. Do I get at least seven to eight hours of sleep at night?
  2. Am I eating healthy quality calories from nutritious foods and beverages?
  3. What is your workout frequency?
  4. Do you have overtraining symptoms including lethargy?

Exercise has been shown to increase energy levels and
leave people feeling better about themselves
and more energized.

7 Tips How To Fit-Fitness Into Your Schedule Without Going To The Gym.

How important is exercise to you? And if it's not, why not?

Do you really lack the time to exercise is there some other reason you're not fitting in workouts?

Exercise is just like anything else but, unless it's important to you,
you're never going to make time for it.

People who exercise don't necessarily have more time than you, they've just determined that what they're getting out of exercise is worth more.  Without your health, it's tough to enjoy life.

7 Tips on staying fit without going to the gym!

1. Buy arm weights for your home.  Arm weights can be used while you're watching TV or talking on the phone. Start with 8-pound weights and do three sets of 15 bicep curls each day. After two months, graduate to 12- or 15-pound weights, and add another exercise to your repertoire.

2. Buy a fitness video. A 15-minute aerobic routine is an excellent, quick way to bring cardio into your life. Or if Pilates is more your style, invest in a Pilates video instead. Either way, whether your fitness style is high-impact aerobics or intense yoga, there are lots of great fitness videos that you can use in your own home.

3. Use your lunch hour wisely. A brisk 20-minute walk during your lunch hour is a great fitness solution, especially if you can do it three or four times each week.

4. Take 15 minutes in the morning. Wake up 15 minutes earlier and do arm weights or a quick aerobic video routine.

5. Take 15 at night. Do 50 sit-ups and 50 push-ups 30 Tricep Dips before you go to bed each night or while watching your favorite TV show.

6. Invest in a good pair of walking or running shoes. Having the right equipment means you have one less excuse to avoid working out. Plus, once you glide into those comfy, bouncy new shoes, you'll want to run or walk practically everywhere.

7. Take a walk in the evening. This is an excellent fitness activity to do with a loved one or a close friend. Leave your cell phone behind and it can become a time for bonding and connecting with one another!

The depressing truth about antidepressants.

Grace was in her 40’s when she first went to see her doctor. She was juggling a career and a family, caring for her aging father, and helping her husband start his own business.

Finances at home were tight since he’d quit his job, putting a strain on their marriage. She was feeling low and tired all the time. She left her doctors office with a prescription for an antidepressant. Four days later, she asked her doctor “Do I really need this?”

As you know we have serious problems in the world today. Depression, stress, anxiety and sleep disorders are concerns of virtually every family. Prescription drug usage has become epidemic and with all of the harmful side effects, it's a dangerous scenario. In fact, let me ask you, do you know anyone who is tired, stressed, depressed or sleep deprived? I think we all do.

There is a recent product discovery (it's all natural) that specifically addresses these problems. 84% of the people who have tried it noticed a difference within the first 7 days over 90% after 2 weeks -- with no side effects. People report that they are feeling happier, more energetic,and sleeping better some have said they lost belly fat and had increased libido.)

Please take five minutes and watch this short video that will give you the scoop on this product and then get back with me.


It’s hard to believe antidepressant prescriptions have more than quadrupled in the past couple of decades, with twice as many women as men — by some estimates over 1 in 10 women in America — now taking one. Advertisements for Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Celexa, Cymbalta, Effexor, and others bombard us everywhere we turn.

The depressing truth about antidepressants.

Most health care practitioners have an average of seven minutes to spend with each patient. As you can understand, seven minutes isn’t nearly enough time to talk about a person’s emotional state. We can’t blame conventional doctors for how over-reliant on antidepressants our society has become — our medical system is broken, and antidepressants are a Band-Aid attempt to alleviate miserable symptoms. But in the end, any emotional concerns, including depression, anxiety or mood changes deserve more attention than seven minutes, and I encourage you to give yourself that attention.

There’s good reason to take some time with the decision whether to take antidepressants or not.
For one, antidepressants can cause several surprising side effects.

Here are just Some side effects of SSRI antidepressants
sexual dysfunction
marked changes in appetite
weight gain or loss
panic attacks
fatigue or sleepiness
drug interactions
increased risk of bleeding disorders, such as GI bleeding,
bruising, and nosebleeds

Here is a short video where you can learn more about a natural solution without side effects here.