Yes, you can do too much exercise and if preserving and building muscle
mass is one of your fitness goals (it should be) doing more than 45 to 60
minutes of aerobics a day or more than five to six sessions a week can
actually lead to muscle loss.
Muscle loss equals a lower metabolism and less ability to burn fat. While not enough aerobic exercise is a minus, doing too much is too.
8 Tips for breaking a bad habits.
1. Essential first steps include recognizing the habit.
2. This is really the removal of denial. A common belief is that the habit is
the enemy – but it’s important to recognize that the habit is part of
who you currently are.
3. Other beliefs might involve low self-esteem, hostility towards groups of
people or things, ideas about punishment or self and others, and so on.
These limiting beliefs must be discovered, explored, and dismantled. This
is what frees up the way for change.
4. Be kind to yourself. DO NOT punish yourself when you lapse. Just smile,
and get back to it.
5. Find yourself a support structure to supplement your own willpower and
energy. A group of friends, a slimming club, etc.
6. Be goal-focused – not problem focused – so think about how things
will be when (yes when) your habit is gone – don’t dwell on how bad
things are now.
7. Find a way to energise your positive goal – what that means for you
depends on you and your goal – it might be an inspiring picture for you
to look at, reminding you of your goal.
8. Find a way to maintain focus on your goal to break this habit. Maybe
you can pin a note above your bathroom mirror.
When is a Good Time to Start?
There is only ever one good time to start working on a better life for
And that time is NOW. Write down your fitness and health goals!
Write down 3 excuses you are using to avoid making the changes you need to
How have these excuses affected your life? What have the excuses stopped
you from achieving? Write down 3 very important things that you have missed
out on because you've allowed yourself to make excuses.
Notice how you feel when you fall victim to one of your self-sabotaging
Now give yourself the permission to change. "Envision the rewards you will
get when you make the change to your life and habits. Give yourself a
powerful list of reasons for fixing the habit.