Did you guess "How do I Reduce my Stomach Fat"?
Everyone wants to know the mystery of reducing stomach fat. Millions of people try with the newest gimmick ab machines, crash diets, and fancy exercise programs.
Thanks to certain genetic coding many people store extra fat in the mid-section which happens to be the last place which fat loss is noticed simply because besides a balanced diet and training, reducing stomach fat often boils down to a simple decision you can easily make...
Another question often asked is "Should I spend 30 minutes doing crunches or 30 minutes on the StairMaster"?
The simple scientific truth is if you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight and vice versa.
There are various ways to create the caloric deficit needed to lose weight permanently but the most simple and relevant way to answer the question of how to lose weight is eat to less, exercise more or preferably a combination of both.
There are 3 different muscles in your mid section.
Rectus Abdominis
Your abdominals are the large muscle from your chest to your waist which look like a "six pack." Even though the rectus abdominis is a single muscle, exercises often attempt to isolate the upper or lower abs.
Your rectus abdominis concentrically flexes your lumbar spine (crunch motion). It also helps stabilize your core in certain instances.
Transverse Abdominis
Your transverse abdominis (TVA) or core muscle is a deep stabilizer of the spine. It helps stabilize your spine by building up intra-abdominal pressure and also pulls in at the belly button creating a tighter mid section.
You also have internal and external obliques on both sides of your stomach. Your internal and external obliques work together to flex and rotate your lumbar spine in all 3 planes of motion.
What you must know is "There is no such thing as spot reduction". Not one abdominal exercise by itself or in combination will burn fat from your mid section.
Abdominal exercises are great for strengthening your mid section which may cause a tightening the waist, slimming, effect which could reduce waistline, but you will not go from "flab to fab" with any of the ab exercises.